Quiet Waters Art and Music Festival

The dormer in the Blue Heron Room worked out pretty darn well as a display and demo area. I had a wonderful time at this show.
The volunteer staff from the Friends of Quiet Waters were constantly coming by to insure that the artists could take a break if needed.
I met alot of wonderful people at this show. The spinning demo worked out great. I had a basket of scrap fiber for the little kids to play with and it was so cute when I was repeatedly asked by them if I could spin straw into gold. I had a few people ask if I've ever spun dog and cat hair...answer is no, but I guess one of these days, for the right price I could do it LOL.
This was one of the nicest venues I have sold at, and I hope I make the cut next year to return. I'd just like to be in a different space next year. I made a few contacts for future shows that I will check out this year and see if I want to apply to them next year. I'd like to thank my peeps that showed up to support me and hang out for a bit...xo to Sue Anne, Stepanie, Lori and an extra xo to Ryki for working the show with me on Sunday so I could do a little shopping at the other vendor booths.

2009 Fiber Art Collections and Show Schedule

Here's a sneak peak at my 2009 Fiber Art Collection.

Show Schedule:

Saturday/Sunday September 26th & 27th
10am to 5pm
Art and Music Festival at Quiet Waters Park
Quiet Waters Park Road, Annapolis, MD


Saturday November 7th
10am to 3pm
St. Matthews UMC
14900 Annapolis Road, Bowie MD

Earth Song


Denim Blues

Santa Fe

Gulf Coast

Was busy in the dyepot today

2lbs of handpainted roving....and I love all the colorways!!! yea....