Quiet Waters Art and Music Festival

The dormer in the Blue Heron Room worked out pretty darn well as a display and demo area. I had a wonderful time at this show.
The volunteer staff from the Friends of Quiet Waters were constantly coming by to insure that the artists could take a break if needed.
I met alot of wonderful people at this show. The spinning demo worked out great. I had a basket of scrap fiber for the little kids to play with and it was so cute when I was repeatedly asked by them if I could spin straw into gold. I had a few people ask if I've ever spun dog and cat hair...answer is no, but I guess one of these days, for the right price I could do it LOL.
This was one of the nicest venues I have sold at, and I hope I make the cut next year to return. I'd just like to be in a different space next year. I made a few contacts for future shows that I will check out this year and see if I want to apply to them next year. I'd like to thank my peeps that showed up to support me and hang out for a bit...xo to Sue Anne, Stepanie, Lori and an extra xo to Ryki for working the show with me on Sunday so I could do a little shopping at the other vendor booths.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great to hear!!!!! Tell me about the other shows you are going to check out also!!!